Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Today in Comics History, February 16: Happy birthday, Joseph Steiner!

Born on this day in 1907: Joseph L. Steiner... of the Kenner Toy Company...

from Fifty Who Made DC Great one-shot (DC, 1985)

...makers of DC Super Powers, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Batman, and many other action figure lines that we know, love, collect and let gather dust!

Happy birthday, Joe Steiner! In his honor today, get down on the floor and play with your action figures, and make sure to lose a few accessories which will be sucked up by the vacuum cleaner and make WHIRRRR-CLANK-CLANK-CLANK-WHIRRRR-CRUNCH sounds.

1 comment:

  1. On the one hand, despite how faithful the figures are in terms of looks, I vastly prefer 8" Mego figures -- and not just due to nostalgia. On the other hand: Who ever thought we'd get, like, a Doctor Fate action figure back then?!? On the first hand again, though, I never actually got one of those but would go nuts for a Mego Doctor Fate.
