Tuesday, September 01, 2020

The Adventures of Bully: Please Mister Postman

H'lo folks! I am working on my stamp collection tonight!

Oh boy, I have the famous valuable inverted airplane stamp!...oh wait, it's just upside down.

Stock Transfer stamps! I bet I can cash these in for valuable shares of Montgomery Ward stock!

Plate blocks! The collecting trend suggested by the Post Office to get you to buy four times as many stamps...

...or more.

Oooh, commemorating Collective Bargaining! Remember when the whole nation was into that?

WHOA MAN I THINK I'M TRIPPING. This is more mind-blowing than that pinball machine on Sesame Street!

Here are my two favorite stamps.

Be sure to support your local Postal Worker! Yes, even Cliff.



Please do not bleed on stamp.

"I'm not looking at you."

That's a little meta, isn't it?

Duck stamps! Lick and stick to any duck to ship it at a affordable rate! Or, if you can't pay for shipping your duck now, you can always put it on your bill.

Wow, that's almost older than John! And he's really old.

For when you only wanna spend 6.3¢ on a stamp:

Because the term "nerd" had not yet been invented:


In short, there's a word I have for how I feel about stamp collecting.

Can't think of it at the moment, but there you go.

Well, I hope you'll excuse me now. Got a lotta lickin' to get through tonight.

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