Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Night Murals: Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

Hey, what's a mural? you might be asking right about now (since it's been seventy-'leven years since I did one of these Monday night features). Well, a mural is a series of two or more comic books that, when combined, form a complete scene of greater vista or landscape! (You can also call them a tryptych Also: a way to get you to buy more comic books to see how they all fit together. Unless, of course, you read this very puppet-town cow blog, because I do it for ya! And what better time of the year than Christmastime for the Man with No Time for Time, The Doctor? or should I say...The Doctors?

Left to right: covers of Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #5; Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #5; and Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #3 (The WHO Shop, London variant covers, December 2014), art by Lee Sullivan
(Click picture to bigger-on-the-inside-size)

Say, where's Nine? Aw, he's probably off somewhere else in London eating chips with Rose. And I suspect the War Doctor is somewhere in the Who Shop...but when it comes to buying gifts in boxes, he's very indecisive.

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