Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ten of a Kind: How Many Tickles Does It Take to Make an Octopus Giggle?*

In salute of the late great Paul, the World Cup-predicting octopus...'s Ten of a Kind comic book covers featuring Octopi! (Octopusses? Octopolis? Octopotamous?)

(More Ten of a Kind here.)

*Ten tickles.


  1. Actually, the plural of octopus — in its original Greek, at least — is octopodes.

  2. Yup. Pronounced "ok-to-puh-deez", not "ok-tuh-pohdz".

  3. Great Ten of a Kind though, Bully... I'm surprised you didn't make it Eight — or perhaps Tentacle? — of a Kind. Choice hover-text. And I just love that issue of Famous Funnies assuring us, in a box much smaller than the giant red logo, that this is a Famous Funnies publication.

  4. Bully:
    I never fail to enjoy your Blog, and should really start commenting!

    HERE’S a few more pieces of “Octo-PIE” to add to your collection – from my Blog, to yours!

  5. Thanks, Joe! Wow, I had a lot of covers left over that I didn't use for this theme, but I hadn't spotted any of those! Thanks so much!

  6. My pleasure. Happy Bull-Birthday!
