Saturday, February 04, 2023

Today in Comics History, February 4, 1962: Happy birthday, Star-Lord!

This is an combined and updated version of posts originally published February 4, 2014 and 2017.

Born today in 1962: Peter Quill, Star-Lord! Well, at least the black-and-white pre-Guardians of the Galaxy non-Marvel Universe version of him. Yes, he was born on the exact same day that Elvis's rural version of "In the Ghetto" hit the Billboard charts!

from "Starlord: First House: Earth!" in Marvel Preview #4 (Marvel, January 1976), script by Steve Englehart, pencils and inks by Steve Gan, letters by Tom Orzechowski

Yes, the very same day that, a lucky thirteen years later, Quill runs away from home so he doesn't have to shovel the driveway.

Happy birthday, Star-Lord! For this special day we will say that yes, everyone in the galaxy has heard of you.

1 comment:

  1. “Where are you going, Peter?”
    “I heard a strange voice urging me to come and get my love.”
