Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Even Perry Mason would never have stooped this low

Um, say, guys...

Panel from "Perrone and the Drug Gang" in Superman (1939 series) #8 (January-February 1941), script by Jerry Siegel, pencils and ink by Wayne Boring

...I'm pretty certain the law doesn't work like that.


  1. I am a lawyer... the issue is whether or not the ELEMENTS of the offense can be proven. Whether it was a storeroom or a storehouse is irrelevant, as long as you can show that the elements of a robbery took place and jurisdiction was established. Also, in a situation like that, even if the charge was dismissed, the State could just turn around and file a new charge based on the robbery of the storeroom.

  2. At least we got someone who understands the law to justify on this case, thank you Mr. Barnett, you may step down!

  3. And Lex Luthor...I mean the Judge...was totally in on it!

  4. Thanks, Adam, for the professional reality check!
