Wednesday, January 02, 2013

365 Days of DC House Ads, Day 2

Two-page house ad for the 1971 Superman line of comics; printed in Batman #238 (February 1971)


  1. I truly love Supergirl's "I'm only going to wear hideous '70s costumes now, many of which were designed by my 12-year-old readers!" phase.

  2. Heh! They pulled that nonsense with other heroes as well. I remember some truly horrifying designs meant to replace Robin's elfin booties and green underwear, but none of them made it into an actual story.

  3. Wait...there is a Newsboy Legion out there somewhere? We need a team-up with those snotty teenage Legion guys from the future!

  4. Why is Supergirl dressed like a Times Square hooker?

    Also it's interesting that in 1971 Jack Kirby was the only creator they bothered to mention by name.
