Sunday, July 01, 2012

Now We Are Still Six

Hooray! Today is my birthday! And I am nine years old!. No, wait, I've made another one of my silly mistakes and I was holding my birthday card upside-down. Actually, this year I am six years old! Which is a very good age to be.

Birthday celebrations began just before dawn this morning when I jumped up and down on John and Randi's bed and sang "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! GO BULLY! GO BULLY! LET'S OPEN PRESENTS! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" until they told me to go back to bed and not wake up for several more hours.

I was too anxious to go back to sleep so I laid in my bed and read Batman comics until it was time to get up.

Panel from "The Blaze" in Detective Comics #95 (January 1945), script by Mort Weisinger; pencils, inks, and letters by Dick Sprang

Hooray! At last everybody got up and got going thanks to some gentle pushing from me jumping on the bed and singing. We went out and I got Nutella-filled French Toast! And a birthday strawberry on top.

We all went over to our friends Heather and Brian's house. They had a very special surprise for me in a box. What could it be? What could it be?

It's a fabulous birthday cake with my name written on it an' everything! Folks, I'm not to shy to tell you a tear got in my little button eye. Especially when they told me I had to share the cake with everybody else.

It was deeeeeelicious! Also on the top, there was a chocolate bar with my name on it! Even when Reggie Jackson had his candy bar it didn't have his name on the chocolate. How can you say someone is great who's never had his name on candy bars? Ah, I'm jus' joshin' ya, Reggie. I'll be over for those batting lessons later.

THEN IT WAS TIME FOR THE FABULOUS BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. I got a Lego set of Superman and Wonder Woman kissing fighting Lex Luthor in a giant robot. It's like Lego had reached into my dreams.

I received a box of the world's biggest Pop-Tarts™. Seriously, these babies are bigger than I am. And when I've finished them, I can use the box to make a cool fort!

In 2011 I featured "365 Days of the Warriors Three" all year on my blog, and by the end of the year Hasbro had produced Warriors Three action figures! This year I'm spotlighting Alfred Pennyworth and I got an Alfred action figure! So I think that means next year I need to do 365 days of Jane Wiedlin.

Speaking of heroes I've devoted a whole year to, I got a teeny-tiny Ben Grimm figure! I am going to hang him on my backpack. He will also come in useful for clobbering stubborn hard-boiled eggs. Also, if I ever get a pet guinea pig, I can do this with him.

I am a big fan of the 1950s BBC radio programme The Goon Show and here's the latest CD of four remastered episodes. This will have me walking backwards for Christmas all year long!

I got Mr. Toast comic books! Yay! They are funny and you should buy them right now.

Because I use a lot of batteries and I am green (by which I mean ecologically conscious), I got some really good rechargeable batteries for my birthday. This will power my toys for hours! Especially the loud ones! Which is important very early in the morning when nobody else is up to play.

It's almost time to go back to school so I was really glad to get a Batman lunchbox! These are bigger on the inside so you can fit a whole four course meal and dessert in one of these.

I got Marmite. Um. Thank you for the Marmite.

And finally, as the dessert topping on this wonderful cavalcade of gifts, I got my own Bat-Signal. It's just my size!

It really works!

So, a very red satin-heart-felt thank you to everybody who celebrated my birthday and made it such a wonderful day for me. I had a great day and I can't wait until my next birthday! We'll meet back here at this exact spot in a year, okay?

So, as I eat one more piece of birthday cake, there's no better way to wrap up the festivities than with Ten of a King Cake Wrecks! Take it away, vintage comic book covers!

Thanks for comin' to my birthday blog party! And remember: always wish the birthday boy many happy returns!

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