Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Who's That Behind Those Foster Grants That Justice League Logo?

Hey, it's one of those Justice League covers from the 1990s that features everybody on the team looking up at us! (We must be tall!) And AH!: it's by the ever-talented Adam Hughes, so feast your ganders and gape at this!

Justice League Quarterly #1 (Winter 1990), pencils by Adam Hughes, inks by Chris Sprouse

Now, take a good look at the cover. You can probably name most of the heroes pictured here, with the possible exception of some of the members of the Conglomerate, which consisted of Booster Gold, Echo, Vapor, Maxi-Man, and Reverb...I'll let you figger out which is which.

Here's my question: can you name the figure located behind the JLQ logo?

Answer later tonight at 11:59 PM!


  1. I think it's Murray Langston....at least from the bag with stars on his head.

  2. It's that flying rodent guy on the Tick!
