Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ads That Are Comics, Day 2: This Does Not Refer to Mister Spock

Ad in Mystery in Space #113 (November 1980) for Steve Jackson Games's The Awful Green Things From Outer Space


  1. And in this case it's mostly an excerpt from the introduction to the rules of the game itself.

  2. Whoa...I have this game.

    The story is basically a cross between "ALIEN" and "The Green Slime". You play as either the crew members or the Green Things. The crew all have different abilities (movement, etc.) and can use weapons, which have random effects on the Things. The Things grow, multiply, and eat the crew. I think it's easier to win as the Things.

    It was kinda fun, but everything was made out of little cardboard slips, so it was a little bit hard to keep track of everything and move it around properly. You'd have like eight pieces on a single square.

  3. This was a fun game, but as Prankster said, it was a royal pain to keep track of everything. And I don't remember ever winning as the crew.

  4. Prankster: Of course, if you were dealing with little slips, that means you cut it out from Dragon Magazine where it originally appeared, and didn't glue them to thick cardboard like you're supposed to :).

    And this much-loved Tom Wham game is back in print this year by Steve Jackson Games: http://www.sjgames.com/awfulgreen/

  5. I still have this game from way back in the day. This one AND Snit's Revenge.
