Monday, December 06, 2010

Monday Night Murals: Wacky Races

Deadpool! Man, I love that movie! The Marvel Comics character, though...well, your mileage may vary. I find Wade Wilson, like his brother Flip, funny in small doses. That's exactly what Marvel hasn't been giving us for the past couple years, with Marvel Comics publishing one Deadpool comic book while the next one is only halfway finished...therefore they can never turn off the machine! Well, not humanely, at least.

Why, there's so many Deadpool comics that even the prequel to a series gets a series:

Prelude to Deadpool Corps

Prelude to Deadpool Corps #1-5 (May 2010), art by Dave Johnson and Rico Rensi
(Click picture to killing-the-goose-with-the-golden-egg-size)

What I actually enjoy most about this comic book mural is the background cameos of a whole lotta big names from the rest of the Marvel Universe. Can you name 'em all? Sure, you can!

Prelude to Deadpool Corps
Prelude to Deadpool Corps
Prelude to Deadpool Corps
Prelude to Deadpool Corps
Prelude to Deadpool Corps

I mean it: anybody who's everybody was there!

Prelude to Deadpool Corps

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