Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Night Murals: I'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

Let's do a modest, quick, simple mural tonight so tired post-Comic-Con partying-me can go to bed early!

One of my favorite types of comic book images is the good guys and the bad guys rushing towards each other. What are they gonna do when they meet in the middle? Fight? Swing dance? kiss? I dunno, but hoo hah, I love that! As perhaps best exemplified by the final few seconds of this:

By the way, "banded together from remote galaxies"? Let's see...Luthor's from Smallville/Metropolis, the Riddler's from Gotham, Apache Chief's from San Carlos, Arizona...heck, Solomon Grundy is from Louisiana. (I guar-ran-tay it!) Remote galaxies, my fuzzy butt. Okay, sure, Superman's from Krypton, Sinestro's from Space Sector 1417, Hawkman might be from Thanagar...and really, that's about it. Oh wait, Black Vulcan is from the planet Black Vulcan. That's where Spock goes for soul food, but he tries not to make a big thing about it so to be politically correct.

Anyway, my love of onrushing superguys is why, despite the fact that the once great, originally Morrison-flavored JLA book was getting a bit long in the tooth and was not long for this earth-1 in 2005, I still like the covers of these two comics, with the JLA and the CSA rushing towards each other for...I dunno, a picnic or something.

JLA #107-108

JLA #107-108 (December 2004-January 2005), art by Ron Garney and David Baron
(Click picture to Uber-size)

You may quibble that it might technically not be a mural because the earthy bits don't line sort of forms a football shape rather than a globe. What, like you've never heard of Earth-Egg?


  1. I haven't read this issue, but I'm wondering how J'onn fared against the moon...
    Did he make Swiss cheese out of it?

  2. Wow, I never noticed before how Hal is the only hero in the whole intro that gets his butt handed to him. He never even gets to make up for it either. Apache Chief's completely non-urgent manner in which he chases Giganta is hillarious as well.

  3. I've heard of Earth-Eggs, or Earth-X as it's more commonly known.

  4. Technically, Solomon Grundy is from Gotham City.

    I didn't mean to kill your joke.

    Just being nerdy. ;). :p
