Friday, September 17, 2010

What can we say? It was the nineties.

Li'l Phoenix 'n' Li'l Cable!

UXM A #17
Panel from Uncanny X-Men Annual #17 (1993) script by Scott Lobdell, pencils by Jason Pearson, inks by Mark Farmer, colors by Kevin Tinsley and Ericka Morgan, letters by Chris Eliopoulos

Yes, it's Chris Claremont's bondage fantasies and Rob Liefeld's love of preposterously giant guns, both transplanted to toddlers. How does that make you feel about comic books now?


  1. Um, I'll take Oddly Disturbed, Yet Fascinated for 500, Alex.

  2. It's nice to know that even in the early 90s, some people realized how ridiculous Liefeld was.

  3. I am pretty sure I've read this, but I am also pretty sure I've blocked it completely from my memory. And therefore, I think I will continue to pretend this doesn't actually exist.

  4. I hate to tempt fate, but why haven't Scott and Emma's future-kinder come back in time, yet?


  5. Scott and Emma's children inherited their mother's skeptical side and moved to New Zealand, far away from time machines, their creepy uncle Liefield and gun-nut half-brother Cable. They do exhibit a marked aversion to cargo pants and anything else with a pouch, which makes living near marsupials problematic.

  6. In the kids defense, they weren't real. They were illusions created by Mastermind as he was dying from the Legacy Virus. That's actually a good issue. Though it does have good nineties credentials in being the first appearance of The X-cutioner.
