Sunday, September 19, 2010

Same Story, Different Cover (International Talk Like a Pirate Day Edition): You had me down, down, down, down on my knees

FF Annual #1/FF Annual #6/FF Special Edition #1

L: Kid Colt Outlaw #109 (March 1963), art by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
R: Kid Colt Outlaw #228 (February 1979), reprinting Kid Colt #109, art by Gene Colan and Dave Cockrum

(Click picture to Captain Morgan-size)


  1. Arr! A mighty fine selection for Talk like a Pirate Day indeed!

    109 Kid is looking pretty stiff there and not particular heroic against the faceless firing squad, who were apparently trained by the same guys who shot at The A Team. Also, Barracuda is kinda putting his own men at risk since he is in the time of fire himself.

    228 Kid shows us more danger, whereas 109 tell us about the danger. Captain Barracuda looks very threatening with his cutlass, Kid Colt looks like he's about to lose his balance be unable to save himself from the smallest sharks in the world. How threatening can they be if you can fit three of them in such a close space? Maybe that's why the cannons are out, to shoot Kid COlt down if the sharks don't get him.

  2. Dang! A Gene Colan cover inked by Dave Cockrum?!? That's a combination you rarely see...

    Thanks, Bully!
