Saturday, September 11, 2010

Same Story, Different Cover: Rock Group

MTIO #50/Adventures of the Thing #1

L: Marvel Two-in-One #50 (April 1979), art by George Perez and Joe Sinnott
R: Adventures of the Thing #1 (April 1992), reprinting MTIO #50, art by Sam Kieth

(Click picture to Grimm-size)


  1. Two-in-one Thing (*shudder* That sounded dirty) is my personal fav here. The object the Thing #1 is carrying draws your eye straight from the logo right into the action. We get a sense that what he is carrying has shape and weight and could hurt if it were hurled. Both their poses are dynamic, with the arms stretched out in front of them and, giving us depth and energy for the up Sparring Match of the Century.

    Adventure Thing, just looks ticked that someone's watching him while he's trying to take a dump.

  2. I was at a comics convention in NYC many, many years ago where George PĂ©rez was selling that cover to #50. I said to him "Gee, I thought John Byrne pencilled that one" and he was humorously shocked and said, "Are you kidding? Look at those buildings!"

    Sorry George! I got a lot better at spotting styles later. :P
