Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And now here's something we hope you'll really like

...the beautiful cursive handwriting of Prince Namor!

Young Men #25
Panel from the Sub-Mariner story in Young Men #25 (February 1954), by Bill Everett

Be sure to tune in next time when...Captain America learns calligraphy!


  1. Such a lovely hand. Do you suppose he does wedding invitations and Christmas cards?

  2. Yet another sign of the weirdness that is the Marvel U: the Sub-Mariner's handwriting is fancier than Captain America's.

  3. Well, it makes sense.

    Captain America is a lower working class stiff who's too busy punching Nazis to learn proper handwriting.

    Namor is royalty, complete, one presumes, with calligraphy classes.
