Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This little bull is as sick as a dog

...so I'm climbing into bed with an ice pack, a quart of orange juice, and a stack of comics.

What If? #4
Panel from What If? v.2 #4 (October 1989), script by Danny Fingeroth, pencils by Mark Bagley, inks by Keith Williams, colors by Tom Vincent, letters by Ken Lopez

I hope you're feeling better than me and Post-Secret Wars Spider-Man, and remember: wash your hands thoroughly after touching Black Cat. You don't know where she's been.


  1. Get well soon, oh stuffed one.

  2. Feel better Bully. I'm fighting a NASTY sinus infection myself, and I have to fly to Portland OR on Sunday! Here's wishing us both to feel better very soon!

  3. "It's a thin line between a super power and a chronic medical condition." Soon I Will Be Invincible

    Feel Better

    Lazarus Lupin
    Art and Review

  4. Get better, yon bull! Keep your stuffing inside!

  5. Get well soon, Bully.

  6. I hope you feel better soon,Bully. As my grandmother used to say, salt or whiskey can cure just about anything!
