Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Night Murals: I'm not uptight, not unattractive

Hey, kids, tonight: Meet Radioactive Man!:

Radioactive Man

Best Radioactive Man Event EverNo, no, no, not that Radioactive Man. I'm talking about the Bongo Universe's premier superhero, the idol of millions, and Bart Simpson. Yes, it's Radioactive Man! When millionaire socialite Claude Kane III is caught in a mega-bomb explosion, his head is pierced by a radioactive shard of lightning-bolt-shaped metal, which gives him strange, marvelous powers beyond that of mortal men! Nuclear powers! And we all know how safe those are, don't we, Mister Burns?

Also, he's a comic book character. Which means, of course...he's the focus of tonight's mural, a triptych made up of three different series of Bongo Comics, a summer 2009 crossover event that meant we had to buy all three comics or risk not completing the story...or the mural! Pretty sneaky, Matt Groening!

Bongo Comics

Covers of Simpsons Comics #155, Bart Simpson #48, and Simpsons Super Spectacular #9 (June 2009), art by Bill Morrison, Jason Ho and Mike Rote
Click image to Jeff Albertson-size

Looks like a lot of the super-hero lovin' population of Springfield, USA turned out for the Radioactive Man event, huh? Also, I dare you to look at this and not hum to yourself "The Sim...psons... (dah dah dah dah dah...)"


  1. I know radioactive man is just a big joke and all but I always thought it was cool that his crest wasn't part of his costume but a piece of metal IN HIS HEAD!! For some reason that just always gave me a big ol' fan boy smile.
    I am also a sucker for the multicover murals even though I know it is just another way for the comic book MAN (the nerdy brother of THE MAN) to soak me for more dough. This one is extra nice in that it really does capture the feel of the TV show. You know that three ring circus atmosphere of barely contained chaos that is Springfield.

    Lazarus Lupin
    arts and review

  2. You must admit though...that IS a rather spectacular cover. Or covers.

  3. Nice reference to the Firm in your title, Bully! How I loved that album as a lad while longing for something new by Zeppelin.
