Sunday, July 04, 2010

365 Days with Hank McCoy, Day 185

Hank McCoy and all his mutant pals wish you a Happy Fourth! Have a great holiday weekend! And play safe near the pool!

X-Men Pool Party

"X-Men Pool Party" pin-up by Jim Lee
(Click it to see the whole picture...and then help me out here, X-Fans! Who's the woman on Hank's back? Who's the woman with Gambit and Jean? (Cecelia Reyes?) Who's the woman with Bobby? And hey, where's Kurt?)


  1. Who's the woman on Hank's back? Who's the woman with Gambit and Jean? (Cecelia Reyes?) Who's the woman with Bobby? And hey, where's Kurt?

    With Beast: Is it that Trish woman he dated for a while?

    With Gambit and Jean: Is it Stevie Hunter....didn't she use a cane for a bit?

  2. Yeah, I'd guess it's Trish, Stevie, and that's probably Opal Tanaka with Bobby.

    (And Nightcrawler was with Excalibur at the time.)

  3. Stevie is actually holding a pump because she's inflating something with a picture of Cable on it with an X-Men/Force? logo on it.

  4. I was also thinking that didn't the "real" Psylocke come back at some point, not the super assassin ninja sunbathing but the dowdy British one....that might be her in the background...or is that who Opal Tanaka was....

  5. This poster was released around 1991/1992 when Jim Lee drew the "new" X-Men from issues 1-11 (since by 1992 Lee had left Marvel for Image). Reyes wasn't introduced until Operation Zero Tolerance around X-Men issue 65 if I'm not mistaken, post-Onslaught, around 1997 when most of the X-Books took a nosedive for a few years. I believe she had dreads, not curly hair.

    At the time of the poster Archangel was getting involved with Stevie Hunter (maybe a bit later, in X-Cutioner's Song), Bobby was with Opal Tanaka in X-Factor, and Beast and reporter Trish Tilby (who popped up again these past few years) were an item until she reported that humans could contract Legacy. Yes, all three human women were mutant-lovers.

    Pyslocke did not "return" and then die shortly later of the Legacy Virus until around X-Men 21-34 in 1993/1994 or so, post-X-Cutioner's Song. I don't know what's happened with her these past ten or so years.

    I'm such a '90s X-Geek; please excuse me.
