Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Now that we're well into 2010...

...has anybody found Domino's stomach yet?

Cable #26
Splash page portion from Cable #26 (Early December 1995), script by Jeph Loeb, pencils by Rob Haynes and Randy Green, inks by John Lowe and Bud LaRosa, colors by Mike Thomas, letters by Richard Starkings


  1. I think I found it behind the couch... no wait that was just a hairball... nevermind. ;)

  2. I don't know about her stomach, but her bottom is front and center!

  3. Although it's still the same crappy 90's character design, I find myself not hating this art. And yet it was drawn in the 90's. These strange new feelings are... confusing.

  4. It's not terrible by any means (although, that offense, B!).

    But this is the Rob Haynes who turned out all those lovely strips with the cartoon-style shading, like DareDevil: Ninja and Young Justice: Sins of Youth: Superman/Superboy: One Of Them Is Badly Dressed: Guess Which One: FADE.

    So, you know. That's what five or so years will do for ya.

