Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Night Murals: Downtown the young ones are growing

Ah, crossovers. What better time for the kids across the street to come over and play games with us? Better play nice, kids, or we'll take our ball and go home!

Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways

Covers of Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways#1-4 (September-December 2006),
art by Jim Cheung, John Dell, and Justin Ponsor
Click image to Stature-size

Despite Wolverine continually knocking on their door asking if he can guest-star, I'm generally a fan of keeping the Runaways as far removed from the Marvel Universe as possible , but I always enjoy their team-ups with those other adolescent adventurers, the Kid Junior Pint-Size Young Avengers, especially if we get a decent both-teams mural across all four issues. (Except hey, where's Old Lace?)

Because gluing my covers together above leaves a few seam gaps and mismatches, here's a better, single image of the whole shebang and kaboodle:

Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways

Click image to crossover-size

Hey, why is Hawkeye about to shoot Nico?

1 comment:

  1. liking your weekly themes, "Monday night murals", "Sunday morning silent movies"... good work and great pics.
    btw, Bully looks so happy blowing on the vuvuzela!!
