Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jerks of the Marvel Universe

With this "Heroic Age" dawning in the Marvel Universe, every comics fan is looking forward to a new grand era of can-do, gung-ho, happy-go-lucky, cheese-and-bacon flavored superheroes, because for the last few years the Marvel U. has pitted brother against brother...Asgardian against technocrat...vigilante versus claws...Super-Soldier versus bullet. But now, at last, it's going to be just like the old days...when every hero was ever-ready to team up with another, to fight together for the cause of right, truth, and justice, and nobody was ever rude or short-tempered with another hero...just like it was in the early days of the Marvel Universe, right?


Avengers #3
Panels from Avengers #3 (January 1964), script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Paul Reinman

Avengers #3
Avengers #3
Avengers #3
Avengers #3
Avengers #3

Luckily, at least one person is willing to help:

Avengers #3

You know, when Rick Jones is the only person who doesn't slam the door in your face and make rude noises at you...hoo boy, you need to find some new team-up partners.

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