Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Supporting Character Slamdown 1.2: And So It Continues!

And now, the event all comics fanboys have been eagerly ready for! But while you're waiting for Ms. Johansson to come out in her Black Widow leather catsuit, let's do a Supporting Character Slamdown wrapup, shall we?

The very first slamdown of round one (collect 'em all!) featured Man-Thing groupie Richard Rory squaring off against that devious diva of dernier cri, Chili Storm! The accounting otters here at Bully H.Q. have just finished tallying up all the votes, and we're ready to make the big announcement...

Chili Storm

...the winner is...CHILI STORM!

Winner stats

Chili started strong out of the gate with an early lead and never lost it as Richard Rory trailed behind her all the way. He gained about 10% in the past twelve hours, but it wasn't enough: he was beaten 60% to 40%, and the very first slot in the second round goes to Miss Chili Storm! Thanks, everybody, for voting for your favorite!

Chili Storm

Which brings us, of course, to the next event! Let's see who's stepping into the ring tonight:

Morgana Blessing v. Flash Thompson

Morgana Blessing

In the mystic corner: Morgana Blessing, gal about town, dilettante and author of the unauthorized Dr. Strange biography, in which we find out the real secrets of the Cloak of Levitation. (Lots and lots of magnets.) Her strengths: speed, dexterity, and the ability to hold onto a cat during strenuous activities.

Morgana Blessing

Not only is Morgana an accomplished writer of novels and cheesy exposés, she also was Doc Strange for ten, twelve minutes!...

Morgana Blessing

...just not (weakness!)...just not a very good one. In fact, she was so rotten at it that we're not gonna disqualify her on those grounds. (That transparent pantsuit, on the other hand...)

Morgana Blessing

Flash Thompson

In the jock corner: Flash! (ah ahhhhhh) Thompson!Yes, Emma Thompson's kid brother, football star, high school bully (not the good kind of Bully, mind you!) to Peter Parker and Spider-Man's #1 fan...not to mention the smoothest operator since George Clooney covered himself in Wesson Oil and slid himself over to Jennifer Lopez's.

Flash Thompson

Flash's strengths: he's strong, he's fast, he knows a lot about getting his hands on a girl, and he's best buds with Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man—at least the way Flash tells it.

Flash Thompson

Like another academic football star and cartoon character, Flash is also an honored Army veteran, having served in both Vietnam and Iraq. Following his most recent tour of duty, Flash lost his legs and is in a wheelchair, but this is one guy you don't count that as liability. Lookit the size of those arms! He could totally beat Professor X in wheelie demolition derby. His weakness? Despite overcoming his bullying side to befriend Petey, he's still kinda a dumb jock with a big ego and an eye for the ladies. One wardrobe malfunction on Morgana's part and it'll be all over but the arrival of Prince Baran and the Hawkmen.

So, you know the drill, don't you? Vote your heart, vote your wallet, vote for who you think will win, vote for who you want to win...just vote, will ya, ya big lugs? Gee, you guys are great. I have the best audience in the blogosophere! (sniffle)


Voting ends at 12:01 AM, Friday, March 26!


  1. Well, I'd say it's Flash for this one.

    Spidey always has had a good supporting cast.

    (And on that note, if Jolly JJ doesn't win it all, well, I'd be surprised.)

  2. Flash Thompson should never win anything. But Morgana is Dr. Strange's Silver St. Cloud. Go Morgana!
