Saturday, March 06, 2010

Separated at Birth: Talk to the hand

Flash #163/Dc Comics Presents The Flash #1

L: Flash #163 (August 1966), art by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella
R: DC Comics Presents The Flash one-shot (October 2004), art by Alex Ross

(Click picture to fourth-wall-size)

Now actually, that's really a kind of a cheat "Separated," isn't it? And not just because I prefer the Carmine Infantino hand to the Alex Ross hand. No, it's because the second cover comes from a set of eight DC Comics released in 2004 to salute Julius Schwartz, and each featured a homage to a former great cover of a comic Julie had worked on. In other words...yeah, that's an easy Separated at Birth.

But no, the one I really wanted to show you today is this:
Fred Hembeck

Panel from "Hembeck's Page" in Marvel Age #28 (July 1985), by Fred Hembeck

Click panel to see Fred's entire comic strip

Yes, who else besides the frankly marvelous Fred Hembeck could sneak in a homage to a DC book...inside a Marvel book? And click here to see Fred's inside story of the Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe book!

We here at "Separated at Birth" salute you, Fred, with a special, swirly-kneed Bull-Prize!


  1. Nice! Note also the first page of Final Crisis #2, which cops the dialogue (although not the pose) from that cover.

  2. Hembeck can do ANYthing! I actualy prefer the Carmine Infantino cover. Alex Ross's looks as though Barry just got an ice cube down his back.
