Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mind the Credibility Gap

Over at his blog, Benjamin Birdie—artist on The Rack and a big Green Lantern fan—has come up with an idea so brilliant, a design mashup so triffic that I wish I'd thought of it first (That green glow you see about me isn't a Lantern Ring, it's jealousy, folks!): the Lantern symbols as New York City Transit signs.

Pretty cool, huh? To which I can only respond:

Station: Bananaman



  1. We used to get this in a double bill with Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. I...I may even have tried to convert a knock-off Action Man ("Mego") into Bananaman using a spare Marigold.

    ...have you experienced the Goodies in full flow, Bully?

    / / \ O o / \ \
    (whee! woooouaaiiidescreeeen!)

  2. Wow, an Underground sign with the power of ten men.

    Ten BIG men.

  3. That takes me back to my childhood watching Danger Mouse. :)
