Sunday, January 10, 2010

365 Days with Hank McCoy, Day 10

X-Factor #1
Panel from X-Factor #1 (February 1986), script and inks by Bob Layton; pencils and inks by Jackson Guice; even more inks by Joe Rubinstein; absolutely no inks but color by Petra Scotese, Max Scheele, and Glynis Oliver; and who the heck knows who did the lettering. (Looks like Joe Rosen to me.)


  1. The blond in the background has normal slacks, normal dress shirt, a nice normal sweater and a grand big-shouldered red cape.

    I am totally wearing that look at work tomorrow.

  2. That's how the Angel distracts attention from his mutant deformity.

    Word Verification: hansm

  3. And if that doesn't work, the big blue furry guy yelling "Yahoo!" is Warren's back-up plan.
