Monday, December 21, 2009


Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully
Blue Lantern Bully


  1. Awwwww! It's because the top of that blue-thingy's head looks like an udder, isn't it? :)

    Shouldn't the purple/violet ring have brought love though?

    "Make sure you RISE to the occasion". So the blue ring also brought you some of those little blue pills as well, eh? ;)

  2. I think this is the best one yet. Cute too.
