Saturday, July 04, 2009

76 of a Kind: Forever in peace may she wave

Flag comic books covers
Flag comic books covers
Flag comic books covers

See also and this one too.


  1. It's unforgivable that you used that Hulk cover twice (here, and in 2008) but didn't use the Captain America cover where the flag bleeds to the ground behind him.


    well, no, not really. I'm just sad my favorite flag cover didn't make it in. Can we still be friends?

  2. (then of course I look more carefully and it's there in 2007 so I am right embarrassed and have to go find a rock I can crawl under in shame)

  3. Speaking of celebration, I should let you know I chose Bully's Oughta to win an Uber-Amazing Blog award. And richly deserved too.
