Sunday, April 05, 2009

Ten of a Kind: Mice love fishing...

...and so do little stuffed bulls! That's right, folks, I'm packing up my tackle box and my rod and reel and my flies and my Bass-0-Matic '76 and heading out for the river that runs through it to spend a delightful cold rainy week up to my hips in cold murky water and...

Naw, come to think of it, I'd rather take the week and head off to Norton Sales Conference, where I'm be learning all about great books coming soon from Norton and our fine distributed publishers, and taking excellent and pitch-worthy notes to help me sell 'em to my pals at Plus, I get to go eat at fancy restaurants! Whoo hoo!

Anyway, while I'll be "gone fishin'" at sales conference all this week, you still get the benefit of Bully-content with daily "365 Days of Ben Grimm" updates, plus a special every-weekday surprise that will have you reaching for your scissors and your pot of paste. (Collect 'em all!) See you here back on Saturday for all the regular weekend regular content. As always, be good to yourself and others!

(More Ten of a Kind here.)

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