Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Arroooo from You: Brian Hughes presents Batman #162

Avengers #16

Letters! I get letters! Also, lots of spam. (And not even the good kind!) But I do get plenty of lovely emails, like tonight's howlin'-good arroooo entry by Blissful Brian Hughes of Again With the Comics!

Brian brings on the arroooo by pointing my little be-ringéd nose in the direction of Batman #162, to bring us the horror and the wonder that is...The Batman Creature!:

Batman #162

Howlin' wolves, Batman! Fresh from the wonderworld that was 1964, it's an arrooooin' Batman! Keep in mind it would still be two whole years before the debut of the TV series. Yep, the same TV series that fans still complain turned the Batman silly Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Seriously, I loves me the Batman Creature, and I demand he appear post-haste on The Brave and the Bold.

If you think that's all the arroooo content Batman #162 has for us tonight, hoo boy, you gotta another think comin'! Here's The Batman Creature giving a love hug to a howling wild rhinoceros! Oh, wait, maybe it's not the rhino howling but Batman. Whatever: feast your peepers on bat versus rhino!:

Batman #162

I'm sure you're asking the $1964-thousand dollar question: just what is The Batman Creature gonna do with that rhino?!? For that and other mind-blowing revelations, you should check out Brian's complete post on "The Batman Creature" by making with the clickety-click right here, baby! Tell 'im a little stuffed bull sent you! Thanks for the double-barreled, giant Batman arroooos, Brian!

For his arroooo times two, I hereby award Brian the much-coveted Bull-Prize, Rhino-Tossing Division. Enjoy it as you well deserve, Mister H., and may your Batmen never buckle!

Wanna join in the arroooo fun n' games by sending me in your own arroooo? Just email me a panel or panels featuring the sound effect arroooo (or a similar sound effect) scanned from any comic book we haven't covered here yet. Make sure you tell me what comic book it comes from, and email your scans to this address: email address

Or, you can post it on your own blog and send me a link so I can link back and properly credit you for your arroooo!

But first, be sure to click on over to Brian's site to check out his post! Why, even my Uncle Toro makes a special guest appearance!:

Batman #162


  1. I'm not sure that I WANT to know what Batman is going to do with that rhino, but in his condition, I'm sure that the answer is...anything he wants to!

  2. It's like Gilbert Hernandez went back in time and did a Batman story!
