Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Night Fights, Ladies Night: Oh Gwendy, Gwendy left me alone/Hurt so bad

Friday again? That can only mean one thing: Larry and Balki! Oh wait, no...that actually means it's Bahlactus's Friday Night Fights, Ladies Night! And what better time to bring out our ultimate fighter? Some say her hair is made of satin, that her laughter can make the bitterest enemies kiss and make up, and that if you throw her off the Brooklyn Bridge, she'll just bounce back and knee you in the bollocks. All we know is, she's called Gwen Stacy:

Amazing Spider-Man #69 panel
Amazing Spider-Man #69 panel
Amazing Spider-Man #69 panel
Amazing Spider-Man #69 panel
Amazing Spider-Man #69 panel
All panels tonight (and in yesterday's post, for that matter) are from Amazing Spider-Man #69, written by Stan Lee, storyboarded by John Romita, finished by Jim Mooney, lettered by Sam Rosen

The last time anyone tried to toss Bahlactus off a bridge, he just ate them.


  1. Ummm...not to diss Gwen or anything, but didn't she just commit assault?

  2. Oh, cousin! Now we do the dance of joy!
