Saturday, November 03, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoon: Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest

"Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest" (2007), written by Alan Barnes and directed by Gary Russell
Featuring the voices of David Tennant and Freema Agyeman

Watch the rest:
Episode 23456789101112 & 13


  1. Is it included in the upcoming Season 3 boxed set, do you know?

  2. Siskoid, it's not listed as an extra in the boxed set page on Amazon (although those are always possible to change). In the UK it's being released as a separate DVD.

  3. Yay! That was awesome.

    "Arr! Arr! ARRRRRRRR!"
    "No, don't, don't do that."

  4. I first saw this after "Last of the Timelords" and it put a wonderful cap on my favorite season of the new Who yet! :-) I hope they do one of these next year too....

    And no, there's no US release scheduled as far as I am aware. :-(
