Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Unsettling Slang of Mister Clint Barton, Part 3

Avengers #105 panel
Panel segment from Avengers #109 (March 1973), written by Steve Englehart, art by Don Heck and Frank McLaughlin

Special bonus "sometimes it takes a handcapped man to say what we're all thinking but are too afraid to say" panel!::
Daredevil #99 panel
Panel segment from Daredevil #99 (May 1973), written by Steve Gerber, art by Sam Kweskin and Syd Shores


  1. Daredevil always tells the truth.

  2. Thanks for the great posts. I was using one of your images over on my blog, just wanted to let you know I moved the image to my own webspace so as to not leech your bandwidth. Bad etiquette on my part. Thanks again for the laughs.

  3. It's cool, Sage! I appreciate you doing so. Thanks.
