Friday, December 01, 2006

The Incredible Hulk's Wish List

What do you get for the man who has everything? Why, that's no problem at all. The big question is, what do you get for the man who's mean, green, and on the scene? He can't depend on Santa: not only does he move around too much for St. Nick to deliver, Santa can't even keep track of him on his naughty and nice list because he keeps changing his name: is it Bruce? Or Bob? Or David? Who knows? But you can help make it a Green Christmas by buying something for the Incredible Hulk off of his Wish List?:

Very High Energy Cosmic Gamma Radiation (book)

Our Inner World of Rage: Understanding and Transforming the Power of Anger (book)

Purple Stretch Pants (clothing)

Demolition: The Art of Demolishing, Dismantling, Imploding, Toppling and Razing (book)

Go Away, Big Green Monster! (book)

The Lonely Man (book)

Legends of the American Desert: Sojourns in the Greater Southwest (book)

Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion (book)

Smash Mouth (CD)

Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization (book)

Look Back in Anger (DVD)

The Green Man (book)

Demolition Man (DVD)

The Comics Journal Library: Jack Kirby (book)

Pretty Pretty Princess Dress-Up Board Game

Also available for your holiday shopping convenience:


  1. I remember Pretty Pretty Princess!

    I used to play it with my little sister marking the first of many, many, many times that my mother thought I was gay!

  2. Aw, I was going to get Dr. Banner "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds".

    I thought he'd appreciate the story of a young scientific genius growing up in a chaotic, near abusive household yet holding onto her hope.

    Plus, you know, Gamma Rays.

  3. Steven, you know how every once in a while you see something someone has written online and you slap your forehead with your hoof and declare "I wish I'd thought of that!"?

    I wish I'd thought of that!

  4. Don't feel too bad. I've been saving that joke since seeing my friend's college production of the play and being severely disappointed that the effect of gamma rays on Man-in-the-Moon marigolds was not, as I assumed, turning them into giant, rage-fueled rampaging monsters.

    Would have perked that third act up, real quick.
