Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I think the guy with the hornrimmed glasses took it, Miss Saltz.

From today's MSNBC News Headlines:

"We all have secrets. We all have parts of ourselves that we don’t share with anyone else. But when do these veiled truths become destructive? What drives a person to live a double life? Why would a soccer dad by day become a pimp by night? Or why would a law-abiding woman in her 50s have another “self” who shoplifts? In her new book, Anatomy of a Secret: The Psychology of Living a Lie, Dr. Gail Saltz, a regular Today contributor, examines how several people—composites drawn from her patients as well as famous historical figures—created secret lives. Dr. Saltz was invited on the show to explain our impulse to create and nurture alter egos."
She had then planned to read from her book, but the reporter from The Daily Planet and the photographer from The Daily Bugle grabbed the only copy and started fighting over it.

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