Saturday, May 23, 2015

Today in Comics History, May 23: Those jerks in the Giant JLA ignore exploding sun

from JLA: Act of God #1 (DC, November 2000), script by Doug Moench, pencils by Dave Ross, inks by George Freeman, colors by Ben DiMagmaliw, letters by Kurt Hathaway

Teniversary Countdown #3: Wholesome funny animal comics, my fuzzy butt

Panels from "Slightly Sidetracked" in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #10 (July 1941), script by Ted Osborne, pencils by Floyd Gottfredson, inks by Al Taliaferro, reprinted from the Mickey Mouse comic strip

And later...

Today in Comics History, May 23: Extremely precise expository dialogue sets the scene

from Secret #2 (Image, June 2012), script by Jonathan Hickman, pencils and inks by Ryan Bodenheim, colors by Michael Garland, letters by Rus Wooton

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 143: Sith-ke-bob

Panels from "Resurrection" in Star Wars Tales #9 (September 2001), script by Ron Marz, pencils by Rick Leonardi, inks by Terry Austin, colors by Raul Trevino, letters by Steve Dutro
(Click picture to double-lightsaber-size)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Teniversary Countdown #4: Guys with horns are always the finest lovers (present company included)

Panels from Saga #10 (February 2013); script by Brian K. Vaughan; pencils, inks, and colors by Fiona Staples; letters by Fonografiks and Fiona Staples

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 142: I am a man who will fight for your honor

Panels from Kanan: The Last Padawan #1 (June 2015), script by Greg Weisman, pencils and inks by Pepe Larraz, colors by David Curiel, letters by Joe Caramagna

The title of this post: because all I could think of was this music video:

Today in Comics History Future, May 21, 2041: Fantastic Four comic is still being published in the year 2041 and will be never be cancelled, apparently

from 100th Anniversary Special: Fantastic Four one-shot ("November 2061" [September 2014]), script by Jan van Meter; pencils, inks, and colors by Joanna Estep; letters by Joe Sabino

Teniversary Countdown #5: Previously, on the CW's The Flash

Panel from Flash (1987 series) #10 (March 1988), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Mike Collins, inks by Larry Mahlstedt, colors by Michele Wolfman, letters by Steve Haynie

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 141: Situation Normal, All Forced Up

Panels from Star Wars (2015 Marvel series) #2 (April 2015), script by Jason Aaron, pencils and inks by John Cassaday, colors by Laura Martin, letters by Chris Eliopoulos

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Teniversary Countdown #6: This guy was working on a WPA Project in Exposition

Panel from the Bruce Nelson story "The Blood of the Lotus, Part 2" in Detective Comics (1935 series) #10 (December 1937), script by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, pencils and inks by Tom Hicke

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 140: This Lando Is Your Lando, This Lando Is My Lando

Hey, let's check in with Lando Calrissian and see what kinda cool stuff he's up to now!

Panels from "Lady Luck" in Star Wars Tales #3 (March 2000), script by Rich Handley and Darko Macan, pencils and inks by Chris Brunner, colors by Michelle Madsen and Dave Stewart, letters by Steve Dutro

Lando Calrissian: works every time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Teniversary Countdown #7: Giant Green Star Wars Rabbit!

Continuing the exciting countdown to my tenth blogiversary by posting favorite panels from comics' tenth issues! And starring my favorite Extended Universe Legacies character from Star Wars: GIANT GREEN STAR WARS RABBIT!

Panels from Star Wars (1977 Marvel series) #10 (April 1978); plot by Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin, script by Don Glut, layouts by Alan Kupperberg, pencils by Howard Chaykin, inks by Tom Palmer, colors by Françoise Mouly, letters by John Costanza

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 139: Even George Lucas is embarrassed by this turn of events

Panel from The Star Wars #7 (April 2014), script by J. W. Rinzler, pencils and inks by Mike Mayhew, colors by Rain Beredo, letters by Michael Heisler

Monday, May 18, 2015

Teniversary Countdown #8: Huey told Louie about a thing he saw / Had two big horns and a wooly jaw

Panels from Uncle Scrooge (1953 Dell series) #10 (June-August); script, pencils, and inks by Carl Barks, colors Western Publishing Production Shop, letters by Garé Barks

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 138: Another smooth getaway

Panels from Star Wars: Rebellion #16 (August 2008), script by Rob Williams, pencils and inks by Dustin Weaver, colors by Wil Glass, letters by Michael Heisler

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Teniversary Countdown #9: We can be heroes just for one day

One of my (many!) favorite moments from the new Ms. Marvel series:

Panel from Ms. Marvel (2014 Marvel series) #10 (February 2015), script by G. Willow Wilson, pencils and inks by Adrian Alphona, colors by Ian Herring, letters by Joe Caramagna

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 137: So you thought you hated the Ewoks

Panels from Droids (Marvel 1986 series) #6 (February 1987), script by Dave Manak, pencils by Ernie Colon, inks and colors by Marie Severin, letters by Ed King