Saturday, January 10, 2015

The 1987 2015 Marvel Age Calendar for Jovial January!

Hey, I forgot this at the beginning of January, so here it is, a wee bit late but as useful as soap nevertheless: your January calendar for the year 1987, straight from the pages of the late lamented hyperzine Marvel Age! How can that be useful, you're asking? (And that's a very good question.)

It's useful because, since calendar-makers are a cowardly and superstitious lot, they frequently re-use years over again, simply changing the calendar year! By a cosmic coincidence, 1987's calendar works perfectly in the year 2015! So just pull all your old copies of Marvel Age out of their longboxes, rip off the back covers, and...oh, wait, I see the inherent problem in that approach. Instead why not just check out right here where I'll be posting the 1987 Marvel Age Calendar all year long! Print 'em, cut 'em out, paste 'em on your wall, dig all the jokes about the New Universe, and don't forget to send birthday cards to all the creators listed every month!

2015: It's not just a good's the law!

January 1987 calendar from the back cover of Marvel Age #49 (April 1987),
script by Mike Carlin, pencils and inks by Ron Zalme, colors by Paul Becton

(Click picture to Jumbo-January-size)

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 10: "It looks like you're writing a report on the Rebel Alliance. Would you like help?"

Panels from the first color Star Wars comic strip, later titled "The Constancia Affair" (March 11, 1979); script, pencils, and inks by Russ Manning

Friday, January 09, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 9: Leia gets a leg up on the competition

House ad for Marvel Special Edition Featuring Star Wars #2 (September 1977), printed in Marvel Special Edition Featuring Star Wars #1 (August 1977), pencils and inks by Tony DeZuniga, based on the poster art of Tim Jung and the Brothers Hildebrandt

Original Star Wars poster art by (L) Tim Jung and (R) The Brothers Hildebrandt
(Click picture to zoom in on Leia's cleavage-size)

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 8: Gonna love ya, gonna love ya like a black Windu, baby

Panels from Star Wars: Jedi: Mace Windu one-shot (February 2003), script by John Ostrander, pencils by Jan Duursema, inks by Dan Parsons, colors by Joe Wayne, letters by Digital Chameleon

Today in Comics History, January 8: Happy birthday, Graham Chapman!

Born on this day in 1941: comedian, writer, and actor Graham Chapman of Monty Python's Flying Circus!

Panel from Comics: Monty Python one-shot (April 2014), script by Chris Canibano, pencils and colors by Juan Luis Rincón, letters by Gary Scott Beatty

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 7: Your Imperial Emergency Management Agency at Work

Panels from Star Wars: Knight Errant #2 (Dark Horse, November 2010), script by John Jackson Miller, pencils and inks by Federico Dallocchio, colors by Michael Atiyeh, letters by Michael Heisler

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 6: Lando forgot to get his flu shot

Panels from Star Wars #99 (Marvel, September 1985), script by Jo Duffy, layouts by Ron Frenz, finishes by Sam de la Rosa, colors by Glynis Oliver, letters by Rick Parker

Of course, all good Star Wars fans knew that Han got his shot first.

Monday, January 05, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 5: All we are saying, is give yub-yub a chance

Panels from "Apocalypse Endor" in Star Wars Tales #14 (December 2002), script by Christian Read, pencils by Clayton Henry, inks by Jimmy Palmiotti, colors by Dan Jackson, letters by Steve Dutro

Sunday, January 04, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 4: Darth Vader's Not Gonna Pay a Lot for This Muffler Genocide

Panel from "Perfect Evil" in Star Wars Manga: Black one-shot (Tokyopop, October 2006); sfript, pencils, inks and color by Hiromoto-SIN-Ichi; English lettering by Lucas Rivera

Today in Comics History, January 4, 1976: The Rice-a-Roni Rough Riders roar into town

from Bay City Jive #3 (WildStorm, September 2001), script and letters by John Layman, pencils by Jason Johnson, inks by Sean Parsons, colors by David Baron