Saturday, June 18, 2011

Same Story, Different Cover: Eat your broccoli

L: Tales of Suspense #19 (July 1961), cover art by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
R: Where Monsters Dwell #14 (March 1972), reprinting Tales of Suspense #19, cover art by John Severin

(Click picture to Green Giant-size)

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 169

Page from Thor #466 (September 1993), script by Ron Marz, pencils by Bruce Zick, inks by Mike DeCarlo, colors by Tom Vincent, letters by Phil Felix

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kitty Pryde: She Helps You Get Better TV Reception

introduction to letter column in Uncanny X-Men #176 (Marvel, August 1983), art by Paul Smith, Bob Wiacek, and Glynis Wein

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 168

Panels from Thor: The Truth of History one-shot (December 2008), script and pencils by Alan Davis, inks by Mark Farmer, colors by Rob Schwager, letters by Joe Caramagna

Steranko Week, Day 5: We built this city

Two-page spread from [Uncanny] X-Men #51 (December 1968), script by Arnold Drake, pencils by Jim Steranko, inks by John Tartaglione, letters by Herb Cooper

(Click picture to Terry Gilliam title sequence-size)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Zen of Batman: Lost Love

From Batman: "Smack in the Middle" (January 13, 1966), script by Lorenzo Semple, Jr.

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 167

Panel from Thor #328 (February 1983), script by Doug Moench, pencils by Alan Kupperberg, inks by Vince Colletta, colors by George Roussos, letters by Janice Chiang

Steranko Week, Day 4: Cap saw this trick in a James Bond movie

Two-page spread from Captain America #110 (February 1969), script by Stan Lee, pencils and colors by Jim Steranko, inks by Joe Sinnott, letters by Sam Rosen

(Click picture to action sequence-size)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

For anybody who is having a bad day...

...this is good for what ails ya.

Panel from Hulk-Size Mini Hulks #1 (July 2011), written by Audrey Loeb, illustrated by Chris Giarrusso

Seriously: one of the most delightful collections of the year. That Marvel, in and among the dire Fear Itselfs and Shadowlands, produces such fun and entertaining comics, is a feather in their cap.

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 166: ...Three!

Panels from Thor #266 (December 1977), script by Len Wein, breakdowns by Walt Simonson, finishes by Tony DeZuniga, colors by Glynis Wein, letters by Joe Rosen

Steranko Week, Day 3: A Splash of Steranko

Today: some of my favorite Jim Steranko splash pages!

Splash page from Captain America #111 (March 1969), script, pencils, and colors by Jim Steranko, letters by Sam Rosen

Splash page from My Love #23 (May 1973), script by Stan Lee, pencils and inks by Jim Steranko

Splash page from Captain America #113 (May 1969), script, pencils, and colors by Jim Steranko; inks by Tom Palmer; letters by Artie Simek

Splash page from [Uncanny] X-Men #51 (December 1968), script by Arnold Drake, pencils by Jim Steranko, inks: by John Tartaglione, letters by Sam Rosen

Splash page from Captain America #110 (February 1969), script by Stan Lee, pencils and colors by Jim Steranko, inks by Joe Sinnott, letters by Sam Rosen

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Batman: He doesn't only support gay marriage...

Stills from Batman: "Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds" (November 24, 1966), written by Stanford Sherman

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 165: ...Two...

Panels from Thor #266 (December 1977), script by Len Wein, breakdowns by Walt Simonson, finishes by Tony DeZuniga, colors by Glynis Wein, letters by Joe Rosen

Steranko Week, Day 2: Twelve Hundred Angry Men

Two-page spread from the Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.* story in Strange Tales #156 (May 1967), script, pencils, inks, colors by Jim Steranko; letters by Sam Rosen

(Click picture to giant protective dome-size)

*Several Hundred Irate Eels in Latex Disguises

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's just like the time Kermit the Frog sat in for Carson.

A lot of people won't get no supper tonight, and a lot of people won't get no justice tonight. But you will get a post from this little stuffed bull tonight...just...not right here. In my Chris Sims "follow me into this van and I'll give you candy, kids!" impersonation, let me lead you across the street to Andrew Weiss's Armagideon Time, where you'll find a Bully-penned -crayoned entry in that popular favorite feature all the internet has been raving about, Nobody's Favorites! In tonight's entry: The X-Man nobody likes!

Naw, I'm jus' foolin' with ya. Instead, why not check out the I-can't-believe-it's-not-Gambit adventure of the time that Jean Grey hired Paulie Provenzano to be on the X-Men! As I like to say, now that he's so popular and such a favorite with all the kids, it's kind of fun to see where he got his start.

So make with the clickety-click to read Nobody's Favorite: Paulie Provenzano already! Tell Andrew I sent you. Also, to bring me back some cookies.

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 164: The Old One...

Panels from Thor #266 (December 1977), script by Len Wein, breakdowns by Walt Simonson, finishes by Tony DeZuniga, colors by Glynis Wein, letters by Joe Rosen

Steranko Week, Day 1: What do you want on your Tombstone?

The Mid-Day Matinee this week, all week: Jim Steranko Week! You can't escape his art this week!

Two-page spread from Captain America #113 (May 1969), script, pencils, and colors by Jim Steranko; inks by Tom Palmer; letters by Artie Simek

(Click picture to six feet under-size)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

365 Days with the Warriors Three, Day 163

Panels from Thor: Blood Oath #2 (December 2005), script by Michael Avon Oeming, pencils and inks by Scott Kolins, colors by Wil Quintana, letters by Dave Lanphear