Saturday, July 18, 2009

Separated at Birth: Another Jenny Craig Success Story

Animal Man #1/Last Days of Animal Man #1
L: Animal Man #1 (September 1988), art by Brian Bolland
R: The Last Days of Animal Man #1 (July 2009), art by Brian Bolland
(Click picture to big-boned-size)

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 199

UFF #8
Panels from Ultimate Fantastic Four #8 (August 2004), script by Warren Ellis, pencils by Stuart Immonen, inks by Wade Von Grawbadger, colors by Dave Stewart, letters by Chris Eliopoulos
(Click picture to two-ply-size)

Saturday Morning Cartoon: Bert and Harry Piel at the Hockey Game

Piels Brothers animated beer commercial (1950s), featuring the voices of Bob & Ray (Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding) and animated at UPA (United Productions of America) by Gene Deitch.

Read more about Bert and Harry Piels and the Piels Brothers ad campaign (and see more Piels Brothers commercials!) here, and read an excerpt from Gene Deitch's autobiography here about the complaint letter that almost killed the characters!

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 198

Sgt. Fury #100
Panels from Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #100 (July 1972), script by Gary Friedrich, pencils by Dick Ayers, inks by Mike Esposito, letters by Artie Simek

Thursday, July 16, 2009

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 197

FF #58
Final panel from Secret Wars #12 (April 1985), script by Jim Shooter, pencils by Mike Zeck, inks by John Beatty, colors by Christie Scheele, letters by Joe Rosen

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

MmMmMmmm rmmmmMMMmm pow! pow! MMMMMmmmMM

Hi hi hi folks! I'm busy bein' a mighty Jedi Knight!

I think I see some scum and villainy

My schedule is very full at the moment hunting down wretched hives of scum and villainy, so I'll be back on Friday. May the Force be with you!

May the Force be with yOW THAT'S HOT

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 196

FF #58
Panel from Fantastic Four #58 (January 1967), script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Joe Sinnott, letters by Artie Simek

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bastille Day Special: That fatal kiss is all we need

Hey, as long as we're talking about the Eiffel Tower...

Duran Duran music video for "A View to a Kill" (EMI/Capitol, May 1985), song written by Duran Duran, John Barry, and Monty Norman, music video directed by Kevin Godley and Lol Creme; featuring footage from the James Bond movie A View to a Kill (MGM/UA Entertainment/United International Pictures, May 1985), script by Richard Maibaum and Michael G. Wilson, directed by John Glen, starring Roger Moore and Grace Jones

Dizaines d'une sorte No. 167, spécial pour le 14 juillet: Might as well leap!

Tales of Suspense #75Bonjour, mes amis! Eet is moi, Batroc ze Leapair! And eef zair is a day which makes ze Leapair's heart jump jus' that petit extra, eet is today, Bastille Day! Ah, Bastille Day, where there zhall be much rejoicing in ze streets of ma beloved Paree, ze petite enfants running zhruogh ze parks zetting off firecrackers. Blam, zey go! Boom! It ees alzo ze day when le président, 'e ceases with ze ethnic slurs for just ze one day. Pairhaps un jolie mademoiselle zhall spy Batroc as 'e drinks 'is café au lait, lonely at ze restaurant where 'e bides away ze Bastille Day by 'imself. Pairhaps she zhall step up to Batroc and she zhall say..."Bonjour, m'sieur! Je m'appelle Marie. Ca va?" And zen I zhall say, 'Ca va." And I will sweep hair into my arms and make ze mad passionate love to her entire body. Because Batroc ees not only ze leapair...Batroc is also ze lovair!

While Batroc ees doing that zhing, merci enjoy zee le blog de petit taureau, for 'e 'as allowed me...Batroc ze once again create a Dizaines d'une sorte for all of you, all featuring l'Tour Eiffel! Eet even begins with Batroc 'imself on one of ze covairs! Zo remembair...Bastille Day, eet is not just for ze cutting of zee neck...eet is alzo for ze beating of ze heart!

Regardez celui-ci également. Et.

(Sacre orange! Zair is more Dizaines d'une sorte dans cet endroit.)

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 195

Thing/She-Hulk: The Long Night
Panel from Thing & She-Hulk: The Long Night one-shot (May 2002), script by Todd DeZago, pencils by Bryan Hitch, inks by Paul Neary, colors by Paul Mounts, letters by Randy Gentile

Today in Comics History, July 17: Happy birthday, Colleen Coover!

"It is a truth universally acknowledged," wrote somebody famous named Jane who wasn't Jane Wiedlin, "that all the best people have birthdays in July." It's true! Starting on July First with Missy Elliott, Alan Ruck, Debbie Harry, Leslie Caron, and a way cool guy some of you may be familiar with, all the way up to July Thirty-First with Ted Cassidy, Kate Bush, Phil Proctor, Beatrix Potter, Gracie Allen, Mick Jagger, Arthur Treacher, Raymond Chandler, Diana Rigg, Patrick Stewart, Marty Feldman, Mitch Miller, we will not let you go (let him go!) Mitch Miller! We will not let you go (let me go) will not let you go (let me go) will not let you go...oh, wait a minute.

My point, and I do have one, is that the hippest cats and the top bananas all have their birthdays in July. And smack-dab in the middle of the month is one of the coolest of 'em all: my pal Colleen Coover is celebrating her birthday today! Hooray! Hooray! (throws confetti up in the air, fires up a light stick to wave around, attempts to get Small Favors off the top shelf without success).

In addition to creating some of the most fun and beautiful stories in the Marvel Universe (the Marvel Girl backups in X-Men: First Class, the origin of Throg in Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers, Amazing Spider-Girl, Amazing Spider-Man Family, Power Pack: Day One, Thor and the Warriors Four, and the wonderful debut of the Hydraettes in Fantastic Four: Giant-Size Adventures) and her Paul Tobin's original creations Banana Sunday (the Most Fun Comic of 2005), Gingerbread Girl, and the Eisner-nominated Bandette and more...Colleen has also been extraordinarily kind to yours little stuffed truly, and sent me a wonderful birthday present of my own. HOLY COW LOOK IT'S ME!:

In the words of one of the greatest detectives of all time, wowzers! I've been lucky enough to have some extremely talented creators draw me, and Colleen's wonderful portrait of a young bull at his leisure is a delightful addition to my collection. Thanks, Colleen!

Happy birthday, Colleen! You have been very kind to me, and I thank you so much! Even if I had not gotten to know you, I'd still be a big little stuffed fan of your wonderful work. Thanks for all the fun!

from Girl Comics (2010 series) #3 (Marvel, September 2010), by Colleen Coover

Monday, July 13, 2009

Do you think the FF are swooning...

Der Fantastiche Vier #1

...because The Invincible Man isn't wearing any pants?

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 194

Sub-Mariner #8
Panels from Sub-Mariner #8 (December 1968), script by Roy Thomas, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Dan Adkins, letters by Sam Rosen

Surgeon General's Warning

Sunday, July 12, 2009

365 Days with Ben Grimm: Day 193

Marvel Apes #1
Panel from Marvel Apes #1 (November 2008), script by Karl Kesel, pencilled and inked by Ramon F. Bachs, colored by Javier Mena Guerrero, lettered by Jared K. Fletcher

Ten of a Kind: That's what you get for waking up with bacon

Can you find the two characters who are actually the same character?

(More Ten of a Kind here.)